Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a collection of frequently asked questions (FAQs). The questions are common among business and building owners. The answers are straightforward and easy to comprehend. You might consider sharing them with your customers so they will understand what work needs to be done to keep their extinguishers in proper working order.
Fire Extinguishers
On a monthly basis, a quick-check is done to make sure the extinguisher is in its proper place, it is accessible, it is full, and the pressure gauge is in the green. In addition to the monthly quick check, a thorough examination is performed annually to ensure that the extinguisher is in proper working order.
The annual examination is done in accordance to the manufacturer’s manuals and must be done by someone that is trained in servicing extinguishers. Although the monthly checks can be done by almost anyone with basic knowledge of what to look for, they are often checked by the same service technicians that do the annual examinations.
Requirements for fire extinguishers are located in the 2018 version of The International Fire Code section 906.
Currently the 2018 version NFPA 10 is the Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.
IFC section 906.2 specifically states:
906.2 General requirements. Portable fire extinguish&rs shall be selected installed and maintained in accordance with this section and NFPA 10.
Fire extinguishers are required by law to have annual maintenance performed at intervals of not more then 1 year. Annual maintenance of fire extinguishers must be performed by approved service personnel with valid certification.
IFC section 906.2.1 Certification of service personal for portable fire extinguishers. Service personnel providing or conducting maintenance on portable fire extinguishers shall possess a valid certificate issued by an approved governmental agency, or other approved organization for the type of work performed.
All MMG Fire Equipment portable fire extinguisher technicians have numerous certifications to perform service on fire extinguishers as well as the International Code Council (ICC) Portable Fire Extinguisher Technician Certification.
Fire extinguishers are required by law to be inspected at intervals not exceeding 31 days. Persons performing inspections are not required to be certified. Inspections is minimum of a seven step process. MMG Can show the owner or owner's designate agent how to perform monthly inspection. Or you can have MMG Fire Equipment do your monthly inspections for vou.
Fire extinguisher inspection is required monthly. Inspection can be performed by a non certified person. Typically either a manger or designee perform monthly inspections.. Inspection is done following a minimum of a seven step process and the inspector initials the back of the certification tag along with the date inspection was done.
Annual maintenance is required by law to be performed by certified personal. This is when MMG Fire equipment comes to you location for annual fire extinguisher service and new certification tag is placed on the fire extinguisher. Depending on the type of fire extinguisher could be a minimum of a 22 - 33 step process. Not only following IFC and NFPA 10 requirements. but manufactures requirements as well.
You may schedule service by contacting our office number directly. Or you can call or text our mobile number. You may also e-mail us at
MMG Fire Equipment charges per extinguisher and a service stop. Please contact us directly for pricing. We can beat or match any competitor price.
Kitchen Fire Suppression Systems FAQ
Section 904.1.1 of the fire code states: Service personal providing or conducting maintenance on automatic fire-extinguishing systems, other than automatic sprinkler systems, shall poses a valid certificate issued by an approved governmental agency, or other approved organization for the type of system and work performed.
M.M.G. Fire Equipment is certified by numerous agency’s and is approved to work with within all the counties we provide service in.
NFPA 17A Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems 2017 Edition
NFPA 96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations 2017 Edition
Current code requires all kitchen fire suppression systems to be wet chemical and UL300 listed.
Section 904.5 of the Fire Code states: Wet-Chemical extinguishing systems shall be installed, maintained, periodically inspected and tested in accordance with NFPA 17A and their listing. Records of inspection and testing shall be maintained.
Section 904.12 of the Fire Code States: Commercial cooking systems. The automatic fire extinguishing system for commercial cooking systems shall be of type recognized for protection of commercial cooking equipment and exhaust systems of the type of arrangement protected. Pre-engineered automatic dry- and wet-chemical extinguishing systems shall be tested in accordance with UL300 and listed and labeled for the intended application. The systems shall be installed in accordance with this code. NFPA 96, its listing and the manufacturers installation instructions. Automatic fire-extinguishing systems of the following types shall be installed in accordance with the referenced standard indicated as follows:
Wet-Chemical extinguisging systems, NFPA 17A.
Your kitchen fire suppression system is required to be serviced annually.
Section 904.5.1 of the Fire Code States: Systems shall be inspected and tested for proper operation at six-month intervals. Tests shall include a check of the detection system, alarms and releasing devices, including manual stations and other associated equipment. Extinguishing system units shall be weighed and the required amount of agent verified. Stored
pressure type units shall be checked for required pressure. The cartridge of cartridge-operated units shall be weighed and replaced at intervals indicated by the manufacturer.
After service our technician will give you a copy of the report. We use software program so copy will also be e-mailed to you and you will have access to customer portal. The report will indicate what was serviced and inspected. If there are any discrepancies we will notify you and provide you with an estimate to fix.
We are also required by law to forward a copy to your local fire code official.
Section 904.12.5.2 of the Fire Code states: Automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be serviced not less frequently than every six months and after activation of the systems. Inspection shall be by qualified individuals, and a certificate of inspection shall be forwarded to the fire code official upon completion.